Strawberry fields forever..

Yesterday i went thru my old cds looking for something to play. When i found the Beatles double cds 62-66 and 67-70. And listening to them after yrs of no-looking-back, was uplifting and strangely liberating.. i had forgotten how awesome they were in all the indie awakeness n new music appreciation.
At this point I rem goin to a Beatles tribute concert thing at the Unwind, back in the begining of 1st yr.. 2 girls, both called Nivedita. When i think of it, are the strangest ppl really coz i nvr hung out wit them much after that one night.I guess, one night of bonding with beatles music session was all that was. Anyway, that night was a lot of fun.. screaming n singing along in the first row.. they way i get totally psyched to be listening to smthn im literally turned on by.( not sexual u can stop thinking). One of those really fun memories which i wudv forgotten if i had not started this tribute to beatles post...
The best part bout their music, is that they make u feel their journey with them, which is very evident once u listen along...
This is their journey as I see it..
Starting from singing corny but cute love songs as a pop act as in 'love me do' and 'she loves u'.. to large rock n roll influences seen in mid 60s like 'paperback writer' and ' drive my car'.. Then came a lotta LSD n marijuana n heroin ( psst.. Apparently Dylan offered these guys pot in 1964.. in a New York City hotel room when he as a consequence of his misconception that the lyrics in their song 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' were 'I get high' instead of 'I can't hide'. )
N if u notice all the offbeat stuff came after this.. like an Indian twang thrown in now n then like 'norwegian wood'..
Next, all all the hallucinogenic(spelling?) substance experimentation famously manifested in 'yellow submarine' ' i am the walrus' 'strawberry fields'..
more experimentation.. n they slowly start evolving into relatively more thoughtful lyrics n mood from 'eleanor rigby' to the 'fool on the hill'..
Then they became thoroughly wasted n starting singing bout intense moody stuff (yea both dont go, but i guess it happens?).. could also be coz of Lennon's increasing political activism..i dunno which happend when..
Some of which stirred political controversies like 'back in the USSR' not to mention the inspiring ones which still work their magic 40yrs later.. 'Let it be' 'hey jude' and the wistful edge i always assoicate to some beatles music like 'in my life' and 'yesterday' and' the long n winding road'..
The coolest thing bout their music is its diversity.. to make each song different from the rest. They managed to make and sustain a unique sound in spite of all the commecialisation.
So from the so called heart-throb boys singing 'ooh i feel so fine'.. progressing into weird darker trips.. singing bout yellow submarines and lady madonna and the magical mystry tour and the octopus's garden n world peace and pshyched out disillusionment and regrets.. their growing social awareness reflected in their progession of their music paving the way for their influence to be felt alongside the social and cultural revolutions of the 60s..
Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass,
they slip away across the universe.
Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai Guru De Va Om
Nothing’s gonna change my world
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
nice piece..yeah, i always felt the beatles were so popular(deservedly so, of course!) is since all of their songs were injected with their own personalities,lennon's cynical bite, paul's sentimentality, george's sprituality and gentleness...there was that humane touch always, whether they were doing pop early on, rock n' roll, psychedelia or blues....all their albums are emotional trips, none more so than abbey road, the way it false-ends "and in the end, the love u take is equal to the love u make" and then an off-the-cuff funny paul coda..its really great...they never lost their humour even when they were breaking up and going through such an emotional upheaval...
9:52 AM
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