5 movies I grew up with
You know how there are some movies u watch when ur young and u love them?
The kinds u watch now n wonder y the hell u liked it so much in the first place.. But all the same, u know that these movies will always remain special to u.
Coz they captured a different time, a different state of mind, different expectations..
In their own ways, maybe they appealed to u back then.. Maybe it was a certain corny/mushy/heart-warming/really lame scene or dialogue.. Or u identified with certain charectars.. their insecurites .. their moments in love.. their weaknesses.. their relationships with other ppl.. their joy n sorrows..
It could be any reason or maybe u dont have one.. it just made u feel good..
For me, its more of a feeling of taking me back to a me i once was..
So heres my list of fave movies I watched and loved while growin up..
Ps- dont go by my recommendations.. this is purely personal

Highlight : A very cute Winona Ryder who is constantly confused thruout.. facing all her contradictory feelings..

Highlight : I picked this one coz of the cliche high-schoolness of it. Um, I found the nerd guy cute once he becomes cool (cmon i was small!) Plus, I first heard cant buy me love, in the movie.

Highlight : A conversation that lasts nightlong thru dinner, tv, bath , sleep, morning.. blah.. found very aww by me who dying to experiance it too..

Highlight : The 60s music feel, how exciting it feels in my head to have a hit song and of course, the Soundtrack!

Picture Perfect (1997) : I think I liked this movie ONLY coz of the hardcore chick-flick person in me ( Arent we all?)which got pushed to the bottom coz of the influence of darker forces in my life(!) Bout an dissatisfied independent women whose dying to get into a relationship to get ahead in her work..
Highlight : Not many, just how she falls in love with the photographer dude.( u kno those boy next door types guys in movies u find cute simply coz they look so down-to-earth?)
why is ur blog stuck? y don u write on it dude..
1:32 AM
aah childhood. so gay, so un-cool. thinking abt it is so depressing. all those uncomfortable questions like "so is that what im really like?" add michael jackson CDs n ud want to kil urself. though i was more of a mel gibson-bruce willis movies type. die hard, airport n things like that. add a bon jovi obsession n i want to kill myself.
5:28 AM
icyhighs: lol ive nvr had any inhibitions of lookin back n cringing " oh so that was wat i was really like".. ive been pretty accepting of old me actly heh.
n MJ is still a very talented dude! apart from having sexual and racial insecurites.. oowwwww (get it? lmao)
Bon Jovi is STILL obsession worthy.. *drool*
yamini : so start writing for other ppl! u hav to work on ur writing skills if ur gonna do journalism print media thingeys..
and sniff.. treasure the comments from u both.. coz nobody else reads this bloody thing man.. crap! sob!
9:44 AM
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