5 movies I grew up with
You know how there are some movies u watch when ur young and u love them?
The kinds u watch now n wonder y the hell u liked it so much in the first place.. But all the same, u know that these movies will always remain special to u.
Coz they captured a different time, a different state of mind, different expectations..
In their own ways, maybe they appealed to u back then.. Maybe it was a certain corny/mushy/heart-warming/really lame scene or dialogue.. Or u identified with certain charectars.. their insecurites .. their moments in love.. their weaknesses.. their relationships with other ppl.. their joy n sorrows..
It could be any reason or maybe u dont have one.. it just made u feel good..
For me, its more of a feeling of taking me back to a me i once was..
So heres my list of fave movies I watched and loved while growin up..
Ps- dont go by my recommendations.. this is purely personal
Mermaids (1990) : This is one of the earliest movies I rem watching on tv. Its set in the 60s and is bout the relationship between a promiscuous mom n her kids.. the eldest of whom reacts by trying hard to be everything her mom is not.
Highlight : A very cute Winona Ryder who is constantly confused thruout.. facing all her contradictory feelings..
Can't buy me love (1987) : Typical 80s high school flick bout a nerd dude who wants to be cool so he tries to buy himself into it n learns a lesson in the process..
Highlight : I picked this one coz of the cliche high-schoolness of it. Um, I found the nerd guy cute once he becomes cool (cmon i was small!) Plus, I first heard cant buy me love, in the movie.
The Truth about cats & dogs (1995) : I loved this movie.. its comforting on our ugly days. Shd totally be watched by all women who have insecurity issues.
Highlight : A conversation that lasts nightlong thru dinner, tv, bath , sleep, morning.. blah.. found very aww by me who dying to experiance it too..
That thing you do (1996) : This is typically the kind of movie Id love. Still do. Follows the story of one of the many garage bands which tried to grab attention in the wake of the Brit invasion in the mid 60s.
Highlight : The 60s music feel, how exciting it feels in my head to have a hit song and of course, the Soundtrack!
Picture Perfect (1997) : I think I liked this movie ONLY coz of the hardcore chick-flick person in me ( Arent we all?)which got pushed to the bottom coz of the influence of darker forces in my life(!) Bout an dissatisfied independent women whose dying to get into a relationship to get ahead in her work..
Highlight : Not many, just how she falls in love with the photographer dude.( u kno those boy next door types guys in movies u find cute simply coz they look so down-to-earth?)
why is ur blog stuck? y don u write on it dude..
1:32 AM
aah childhood. so gay, so un-cool. thinking abt it is so depressing. all those uncomfortable questions like "so is that what im really like?" add michael jackson CDs n ud want to kil urself. though i was more of a mel gibson-bruce willis movies type. die hard, airport n things like that. add a bon jovi obsession n i want to kill myself.
5:28 AM
icyhighs: lol ive nvr had any inhibitions of lookin back n cringing " oh so that was wat i was really like".. ive been pretty accepting of old me actly heh.
n MJ is still a very talented dude! apart from having sexual and racial insecurites.. oowwwww (get it? lmao)
Bon Jovi is STILL obsession worthy.. *drool*
yamini : so start writing for other ppl! u hav to work on ur writing skills if ur gonna do journalism print media thingeys..
and sniff.. treasure the comments from u both.. coz nobody else reads this bloody thing man.. crap! sob!
9:44 AM
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